
Have you ever been in the wild? If so, what did you take with you? You may have taken a lot of gadgets with you so you don’t have any problems. But what if you find yourself in the wild with nothing on you? How would you cope with this situation? What would you do to survive? Given below are some tips that may help you.
Useful Survival Tips For Disaster Preparedness
by Buck Jones

Hurricane Erma A Floridian’s Story
by Steve Luchuk
Being prepared for a Hurricane and having the resources on hand make the experience less difficult. Knowing what resources might be in short supply and having them on hand will make the ordeal tolerable. Ward off trouble by being prepared. When you are ready for trouble, it never comes. visit: Emergency
Surviving a Food Shortage for Preppers
by Buck Jones
How Preppers Can Store Food for a Long Time
by Buck Jones
When we are struck by disasters, the attention is usually on the most basic things that we need like water and food. One can survive for days without any food, but then that is something that most people would not like to go through. It is much better to do your things when you are satisfied and well nourished. It is good to prepare for disasters and to even store food for such an eventuality. This can be rather overwhelming and you need to consider many things like what to store, how to keep the food fresh, how much to store, and what is needed to create that extra stash. This is something that any preppers would ask themselves and the answers can be really fulfilling if done in the appropriate manner. visit: Led Lights
Learn How to Be a Survivalist With These Skills
by Buck Jones

Time to Start Teaching Your 5-8 Year Old Kids the Basics of Survival
by Michael Vinyard
It’s 2018 and time to start your 5-8 year old kids the basics of survival! Combining education and fun into a useful survival activity of learning.
Emergency Response Team Training – How Much Are You Relying on Luck?
by Brendan Day
Emergency Response operations present significant hazards to responders. Mitigating these hazards and reducing risk to responders during operations is a complex undertaking due to the interactive complexity and tight coupling of the response environment and response operations. An illustration of such complex and dynamic challenges is provided by structural fires.
Natural Disasters – Are You Really Prepared for One?
by Larry Zolna
Millions of people in the US are affected each year by natural disasters, whether they are hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. Are YOU and your family prepared? What if there was no electricity or natural gas available and your water pipes couldn’t deliver clean water? That means that no stores would be open for food. You would literally be homeless – hungry, thirsty and no shelter or warmth. So how about preparing for the worst? What are the absolute necessities you would need? visit: Led Flood Lights
3 Things to Know About Earthquakes
by Sherry Allred
Earthquakes can be destructive and have fatal results. Although earthquakes can’t be predicted, understanding their nature can help you be prepared if by chance you are ever caught in one.
Three Ways to Prepare for an Earthquake
by Sherry Allred


by Marty Poston
Look around you. The state of our country is more unstable than it has been in decades. Our Government can’t function, taxes are at an all-time high, and natural disasters are crippling many parts of the country. It’s not if there will be a need to be self-reliant, but when there will be a need
Prepping For A Natural Catastrophe Has Become Significant In Today’s Life
by Buck Jones
In the wake of a disaster, it is obvious that you will panic, but you ought to act responsibly and make necessary arrangements for you to remain safe and sound. You must look for house insurance and other legalities before the disaster strikes to remain stress free.
Understanding Prepping and Survival Tips
by Buck Jones
Prepping is a phenomenon that has become so widely spread and popular in the recent years. This has gone to an extent of the making of TV shows that focus on prepping. There are people who are extremely prepped for catastrophe that could possibly hit the world and this is something that has caught the eyes of the public. visit: Foc
The Dreaded Knock on the Door
by Joan Silva
Let me just clarify — I am not an expert in all the areas you would be wise to prepare. However, the one area that I do wish to impart are what key personal and financial documents you would need to bring with you should you have to evacuate or leave your home.
Build Yourself an Emergency Car Bag
by Jerry Standefer
h lots of participants in a DARPA Challenge in 2013. Google X and other contestants put forth their best renditions of robotic systems to solve problems, open doors, climb ladders, stairs, tie knots, turn off gas lines and avoid obstacles. These robotic systems are loaded with high-tech software, artificial intelligence, and an array of sensors to accomplish these tasks, along with video feed for their human counterparts. Why not add a couple of more features to really make them useful? Let’s talk shall we?
Natural Disaster Survival Kit-Best Survival Kit
by Jerry Standefer

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